Emergence of the Social Delivery Platform

5 New Social Media Strategies For Generating Natural White Paper Leads

This report will provide 5 steps for moving your white papers from PDFs to a private-branded social platform. By using a platform your white papers themselves can now generate and track natural leads that come from peers sharing your content socially and buyers finding you using search.

According to a 2009 Marketing Sherpa study, natural leads create twice as many high quality leads as paid leads. PDFs simply cannot track sharing activity and are mostly invisible to the major search engines. Hence, your natural leads are invisible to you.

In this paper you’ll learn

  • How to make the seamless transition from PDFs to a social platform
  • How to generate up to 25% of your new white paper leads naturally
  • Enhance your content and engage readers by adding commenting and feeds such as twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn
  • Get detailed reporting on sharing activity and content usage

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